Jour Bizarre
Including the play, vocabulary list, language-manipulation activities, simple and more complex questions based on the story, creative writing activities and words to the accompanying songs.Assessment BookIn this book, you will find assessment activities for, as and of learning. CAN DO statements for both teacher and students provide the basis upon which to create learning strategies and success criteria and to develop student metacognition and reflection. The Student Portfolio begins the long-term process of documentation of student achievement through the language learning journey that begins with this Step One Kit.
Jour bizarre
Froth on the Daydream (French: L'Écume des jours, lit. "The froth of days") is a 1947 novel by French author Boris Vian. Although told as a linear narrative, the novel employs surrealism and contains multiple plot lines, including the love stories of two couples, talking mice, and a man who ages years in a week. One of the main plot lines concerns a newlywed man whose wife develops a rare and bizarre illness that can be treated only by surrounding her with flowers.
Boris Vian finished writing the novel in the spring of 1946.[11] The book sold poorly when it was published in 1947 as L'écume des jours under his birth name, Vian, rather than under his more famous pseudonym, Vernon Sullivan.[8][12]
Elie Wiesel's The Accident (1961) is a possibly autobiographical account of being hit by a car. The narrator slips into stream of consciousness as he vacillates between death and life, providing the accident victim with bizarre, surrealistic impressions as he remembers his grandmother and his father, who perished in the Holocaust. The trauma of the Holocaust haunts him: "Shame tortures not the executioners but their victims."
I, Kwahul?, a prize-winning dra 1 matist, portrays his characters , through the rhythmof their speech. 1 Much of the power of the novel I results from the playful use of lan 1 guage. "Monsieur" makes lists com i paring various phenomena, lists [ interruptedby his asthmatic cough ? ing. He speculates about what will , happen to the disease when the patient dies; he says his landlady i cannot be called obese because she 1 is not American. He describes how I milk "vomits" when boiling. The j concierge also indulges in repetitions I and unintended comic compari , sons; her simple-minded daughter ' believes in "flies that fart." I Only at the end do we realize 1 that "Monsieur's" long monologue i toMonsieur Ki is really an attempt ! togain timebefore his suicide. Kwa i hul? leaves us to decide how "Mon , sieur's" story ends. Is the suicide a 1 result of his suffering fromasthma, f or because he has been "called" to 1 return to Africa to take his place I wearing amask embodying religious 1 powers? His interlocutor, "Monsieur i Ki," may be the "Ancestor with a j Cynocephalus Head" who has come ? to takehim home. While he thought , his studies in France would contrib 1 ute to the welfare of his commu i nity,was he really needed to fulfill 1 a ritual role?KoffiKwahul? calls his I novel a "Parisian rhapsody to make J us smile." In thathe succeeds well. i Adele King I Paris Ii Fouad Laroui. Le jour o? Malika ne 1 s'est pas mari?e, Paris. Julliard. 2009. I 203 pages. 17. isbn 978-2-260-01813-1 i In this collection of eight short sto , ries, a group of young men seated * at a caf? in Casablanca try to pass , the time (the one thing they seem 1 to have no lack of) by indulging in storytelling. The result is an often sardonic, sometimes tragic depiction of aMoroccan society tornbetween dying traditions and the increasing ly illusory promises of modernity. The firstof the short stories (which has the same titleas the collection) describes the day when Malika turned down a marriage proposal. The sixteen-year-old, who wants to study and have a career, cannot take seriously the unexpected offer of a ratherhomely young man who wants her to become a traditional, submissive wife and mother. The main characters, however, are nei therthe teenage girlnor thespurned suitor. Instead, Malika's mother, Zaynab, a widow who had endured an arranged marriage, and Si Mah moud, an elderly neighbor who delivers the young man's proposal to Zaynab, each personify either the changing or theunbending atti tudes of an older generation toward the new aspirations of a younger generation. With a keen sense of irony, Fouad Laroui juxtaposes the elegantly cadenced but rigidly for mulaic speech patterns of Si Mah moud and the slangy, streetwise inflexions favored by Zaynab's inde pendent-minded daughter. In only a few pages, during the dialogues between the man who steadfastly rejects any form of social change and the woman who attempts to understand her daughter's hopes for the future, the author manages to convey a sense of the situation's inherent absurdity and maintain a humorous tone without belittling either character or turning them into caricatures. Most of the other short stories in this collection follow thispattern of inserting ordinary characters into believable but somewhat bizarre sit uations, leading to an aftermath illu minated by insightful irony. Even l'OU il* I La roui the more tragicof these short stories display some formof absurd humor (which in thiscase would not, how ever, qualify as comic relief). "?tre quelqu'un" (To be someone) follows Lahcen, an unemployed young man who dreams of crossing theMediter ranean, of reaching what appears to be the promised land of prosperity inEurope?and who will find only a watery grave during a disastrous journey in a tiny boat. His desper ate pleading and ranting to a god he feelshas forsakenhim,while the waves threaten to capsize the boat he shares with twenty other would be immigrants, lead only tohis sym bolic erasure from the temporary community. When they are captured by the...
Tumors of the small bowel are uncommon and comprise about 5% of all gastrointestinal tumors. Carcinoma exceeds sarcoma in frequency, although of the sarcomas which occur in the gastrointestinal tract, 60% are found in the small bowel. Benign tumors of the small intestine are reported as extremely rare because they are more frequently asymptomatic. The early symptomatology is usually that of partial or intermittent intestinal obstruction although complications such as hemorrhage, perforation or complete obstruction may be the first to occur. The correct diagnosis is infrequently made, but should be seriously considered when the characteristic syndrome of a more common disease is bizarre, or whenever barium studies fail to reveal the suspected pathology in cases with anemia and melena. The treatment of small bowel lesions is resection and end-to-end anastomosis, which, except for the fixed portions of the small intestine, is technically simple and should be attended by a low incidence of morbidity and mortality. Al-though carcinomas tend to metastasize earlier than sarcomas, the usual constricting nature of their growth should result in earlier diagnosis and treatment, with a better prognosis than has been reported in the past. This can only be accomplished by constantly keeping the possibility of small bowel tumor in mind. One should never be satisfied with negative gastrointestinal studies once the ominous symptoms and findings of partial intestinal obstruction or melena have been observed.
An independent press clearly requires a measure of political space—that is, regime tolerance—to emerge and take hold. Regime tolerance can of course be a shifting and ephemeral phenomenon, and crackdowns in the 1990s have at times taken bizarre turns. In one extreme case, an outspoken Uganthn journalist, Teddy Seezi Cheeye, reportedly was framed by authorities in early 1996.
Cheeye, editor of the weekly Uganda Confidential, was arrested after giving a ride to a female hitchhiker and charged with kidnapping with intent to force the woman to perform oral sex. In the ruling acquitting Cheeye, whose publication had reported about corruption and abuses in govenunent, the presiding magistrate said the charge was "a frame-up engineered by powerful and corrupt people whom Cheeye had long been criticizing in his journalistic work."91
Best, who was jailed four times in Liberia and saw his newspaper closed five times, is one of several African journalists to have gained a measure of international prominence after becoming targets of regime repression. Best, once called "Africa's most persecuted journalist,"93 also ran a daily newspaper in the Gambia during the early l990s. He was expelled in 1994, in the aftermath of a coup d 'état that toppled a nominally democratic government.
Other often-harassed and arrested African journalists who have similarly gained prominence include Pius N. Njawd in Cameroon and Fred M'membe in Zambia. Njawd is editor and publication director of Le Messager, which has been called "the most confrontational" independent newspaper in Cameroon.94 M'membe is managing director of the Post in Zambia and perhaps faces more legal actions because of his newspaper's reporting than any African journalist.95
Njawd, M'membe, and other often-prosecuted journalists tend to be celebrated abroad as heroic figures 96 who stand up to brazen government repression and who endure sentences in jail. They have been described, for example, as "some of the most courageous and genuinely public-spirited people"97 in Africa. At home, however, these journalists are sometimes controversial news figures in their own right. M'membe, for example, has engaged in a bitter, very personal dispute with Frederick Chiluba, Zambia's president. Chiluba has asserted that M'membe (whose background is in accounting) was ill-suited for journalism. M'membe replied to the president in an open letter, urging Chiluba to waive executive immunity that shields him from lawsuits "'so that I can commence litigation against you for your malicious lies against me.'" 98 041b061a72